Monday, June 19, 2006

Jack Loves His Grandma

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Birthday Cake

So I officially entered the back half of the back half of the back half of my 20s a couple weeks ago (you do the math), and Amanda and I have a tradition of making each other a birthday cake for the other's birthday. Mine for her this year was a Duncan Hines special, slathered in store-bought, ready-made frosting to hide the fact that it wasn't quite level and had chunks missing from it. And this is what she made me.

Yep. That's homemade butter cream frosting. Yep Dad, those are 29 or so fresh rasperries on top (there are even more inside; there's a layer of raspberry something-or-other in there somewhere). The gap between our respective cakes is ever widening.

For some reason I felt the need to share. :) Posted by Picasa

The After-Bath

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Jack gets a bath

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Wrigley Accepts Jack as one of the Pack

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Seriously, could I be any cuter?

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"Hey, my pillow moved... and drooled..."

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Wriggy thinks Jack is a pillow

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Born Into It -- Sox Fan 4 Life

Shameless plug:
Another Shameless plug: Posted by Picasa

Just Chillin'

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Dad, Don't Kiss Me! The Camera's Right There!

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Jack and Dad on Father's Day -- Go Sox!

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Auntie Amy Loves Jack

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Three Generations

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Jack and Grandpa Rich

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Jack and Boo help Dad do some work

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